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Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Heather Marie Bergerson (b.1990) is a German-American multimedia artist with a passion for feminist concerns and personal agency. She is an explorer, researcher, life survivor and a mother. Her artwork directly reflects her interest in biological survival traits and is currently studying how human biology might relate to carnivorous plants and fungi. A published and technically trained photographer, HM Bergerson’s creative practice primarily includes oil painting, printmaking and large-scale collaborative projects. She has participated in several notable art festivals including The PASEO and Currents New Media as well as exhibiting her work locally and internationally.



I am interested in what it means to survive. I study the behaviors of carnivorous plants and fungi to find inspiration and the answers to life survival traits. As someone who chronically suffers from anxiety and PTSD, my creative practice is essential to helping me stay grounded. Printmaking, for example, is labor intensive work. It reduces symptoms of my anxiety because it forces me to focus, plan, and breathe through a repetitive process until I’ve reached satisfactory results. 

In 2020, I survived a head-on car collision and was left with permanent cerebral impairments, including vision loss. Suddenly becoming visually impaired was painstaking. While my ongoing recovery has been successful, slowing down and practicing patience is very challenging for me. Still, I find solace in creating my artwork. Eager to continue my survival traits thesis, I am learning to navigate my materials with the help of technology and through my remaining sight and touch. I also look forward to practicing accessibility within the arts, and I hope to be a positive role model for so many who desire honest inclusivity.



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